Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

“Holidays are a time for sharing with family, neighbors and friends the whole team at Sarasota Smile Design wish you a happy holiday and a prosperous new year! Looking forward to a great 2017 with all of you!” Sincerely, Dr. Jenifer C. Back and The Team At Sarasota...
Veneers Spotlight

Veneers Spotlight

There are many people who are unhappy with the way their teeth look. Often people will simply put up with this, assuming there’s nothing that can be done about it – particularly people who have severely stained, cracked or misshapen teeth. However this doesn’t...
All about veneers

All about veneers

If you’ve ever considered getting veneers but feel you don’t have enough information to make an informed decision then below is a guide to tell you everything you need to know.   What veneers are used for   Correcting broken and chipped teeth – This is...